King Alfred Concert Band

Celebrating our 30th year anniversary
On the 9th July, we took to the stage at the King Alfred School to celebrate 30 years as a band. In the lead up to the day, invitations were sent out to all past band and committee members asking if they would join us for a buffet lunch before the evening concert. The idea of free food seemed to work as many former members showed up to the buffet, meeting their old band companions once again and sharing fond memories of their time playing with the King Alfred Concert Band. Memories were also shared with the public as a display of band memorabilia and photos was laid out in the hall, dating back to the bands' very first appearances in 1981.
During our performance on the day, we were very happy to see many former band members once again taking to the stage and performing with the band. As usual, we played a variety of music from well-known movie themes to classics, which was enjoyed by the audience of around 70, including both the public and former band/committee members.
The band also held a raffle with all proceeds going to the Nathan Edwards Tennis Academy. Nathan was a drummer in the band and a much missed friend of all members who played with him. A display of photos was put up in memory of his time with the band.
Thank you to all those who came to the concert and thank you to all the past band and committee members.
Going social at Pecorama, Devon
As a special treat for the band; on Saturday 16th July, we took to the road to visit and perform at Pecorama in Devon. A short coach trip transported the band and our instruments to and from the picturesque gardens of Pecorama. The band played an outdoor concert at 2pm in the Top Spot Garden Theatre and used the rest of the day to relax and enjoy the views, gardens and model railway exhibition.

Christmas Carol Train
December 14th 2011
It was a cold night, but the band was not deterred from entertaining an enthuastic selection of passengers on the West Somerset Railway Carol Train. After an initial concert at Bishops Lydeard Station, the band climbed aboard the steam train to Williton, stopping off at Crowcombe and Stogumber on the way. Struggling with instruments, music stands, music and santa hats on and off the guards van, then trying to warm up between stations. We were allowed in the Waiting Room at Stogumber, whilst the carol singers sang under the stars on the platform. A late night for some of the younger (and older) members of the band, but enjoyed by all.
Christmas Concert
Saturday 10th December 2011
St. John's Church, Highbridge.
An excellent evening of Christmas themed music and carols. There were solo performances by Nathan Bird (organ), Annie Tiso (violin), and Hollie Hand (flute), a few songs by St. Joseph's singers, and the audience joined in with the final carols.
Many thanks to Francis Farr-Cox for announcing the music.

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Friends of Burnham Hospital Concert, The Princess.
June 23rd 2012

Pecorama July 2012

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Carol Train.
December 12th, 2012

Christmas Concert, St Johns Church. December 8th 2012

Vivary Park, June 2013.

Highbridge Community Hall, July 2013.

Minehead Station 20th July 2013

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Garden World 1st December 2013

Highbridge Community Hall June 2014

Dunster July 2014

Oaktree Arena October 2014

Sanders Garden World November 2014
Christmas Concert St Johns Church December 2014